February 23, 2025

Agenda of Life

Whats the agenda of your life. What are you living for ?

If you ask me, life has no agenda. We are just a piece of life who wants to be alive and wants to be more than whats its today. More importantly life wants to do the things which it loves doing. If you see, we are alive for a very short time. If you were born 30 years ago, then you were dead 32 years ago. Let’s say you live 100 years, then you would be dead after 70 years and would remain dead for thousands or millions of years.

Life is just a sparkle. In this brief period when you are alive, just be alive and do the things which you want and love to do. There were millions of people before you, some rich, poor, powerful. But they are all dead today. We all are going to be dead as well after certain time and remain dead for infinite amount of time.

So, just live spark-fully, wonderfully, knowing that you are alive for a very brief period of time. When you are happy, you are willing to do anything for anybody. You are motivated, cheerful and confident that you would conquer the world and would be successful in anything you do.

Also, know that you cannot do everything. A worm cannot do what an elephant can do and vice versa. But do what you can do and don’t do less than what you can do. Do things which you love to do. There should not be a notion of TTGF where we enjoy life only on the weekends and 5 days would be stuck doing something which we hate doing. Also, most people on the weekend would be drinking alcohol, smoking or eating toxic unhealthy food. Its no wonder, the life in us wants to die as 5 days we do stuff which we our mind doesn’t like, remaining 2 days we do stuff which are body doesn’t like.

Understand, our experience with time is relative. When doing things we love the time just flies by and when we are miserable it seems very long. A happy life is just like a sparkle and a miserable life is very long tiring and suffocating. We should first stop doing things which we dont like. If you hate your job, resign today. May be there is someone else who would do your job happily and you find something which you enjoy. No job is more or less important, even the top CEOs are not spinning the planet or fueling the sun. All good things are free and rest of them dont matter.

To summarize, dont be less than what you can be. Do things which you love, time flies when you are happy. Don’t make life about agendas or perspectives. There are boundless things you can do and be happy.

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