March 6, 2025


What is anxiety ? Is it fear of unknown, is it fear of being looked down, is it the fear to loose , or is the the fear of dying ? The common thing amongst all is that anxiety is caused by fear. Ironically, fear in right quantities and situations works in favor of us. Well, if you don’t fear a lion in a jungle then eventually you might end up as its meal.

So we need fear but no anxiety. Simply put, if your mind was in your control, you would just create the right amount of fear and no anxiety. So, the root cause of the anxiety is that your own mind is not taking instructions from you. Its like you are driving a car, you want it to turn left, or stop but the car won’t and then it crashes. Hence, if you could control your mind as well as you can drive your car, then you can simply not create anxiety.

There is a lot of jargon around anxiety like surrendering to it or just letting it go. This is like when you have cough, you can keep asking cough to go away but it wont. Your body would produce anti bodies for the cough and then fight it off. Simply surrendering, or letting it go doesn’t work. Something needs to be done, thinking that it would go on its own its just stupidity. Like a cat who can close its eyes when it sees the lion, and wish it just goes.

Mind is a sophisticated machine which needs a stable platform to run. Example, if you have a very sharp knife and not a stable hand, then you would cut your finger. Now there are 2 ways to solve this: either you blunt the knife or work on the stability of the hand. The choice is yours.

So, now how to have a stable mind. Start with this exercise: 5 minutes in the morning, just sit in namaste pose and think about something which gives you utmost pleasantness. You can think about your child, girl friend anything. If you can’t think of someone, then just go for “sun”. Sun is the only energy source of life on this planet. So just think about it in namaste pose for 5 mins in morning. Express your pleasantness towards it. Let me know if it changes you after 12 days of doing it.

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