February 23, 2025

Genius in us

Are you a genius ? Is someone born a genius ? Do you need some kind of genes to be a genius ? Why we lookup to genius people like Leonardo or Newton ? Are genius made with some supernatural sauce ? Are genius people an aberration which happens a very few times ? Is being genius just lucky like may be right place at right time ?

I believe anyone can be a genius there is no external stimuli needed for being a genius. All you need is you and just you, but 100% you not a 90% you. There are 4 building blocks for being a genius. You need all of together to be a genius. Even if fraction of one is missing you can only be great but not genius.


Geniuses are not created in a midnight or by a splash of work. It needs hard work. If you see Leonardo’s work it looks amazing on surface. But did you ever check how much time it took to complete Mona Lisa or any of his work.


Hard work needs to be compounded with dedication. You need to give 100% and no excuses should hold you. It needs sacrifice of sleep, leisure, time, weekends, friends etc.


With 100% dedicated and hard work, you also need to have the ability to focus for longer duration of time. Your mind would generate random thought but you need to keep them parked. The basic principal for such distractions is let them come, let them be and let them go.


Geniuses create something novel. They are able to connect various things. For you to be able to connect you need to be master of more than one fields. Its when you can apply the principles of various fields together you’ll create something new. I would really encourage of read about Leonardo.

Genius are forged in above qualities. The impurities are removed once you forge yourself in this fire with above fuels. Once forged a valuable self would be created. Nature always produces raw gold and iron ore. They need to go through intense transformations to become something which has far greater value. This principals is true for us too.

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