February 23, 2025


I am not what I think I am, I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am – Charles Cooley

Let that sink in for a moment. Our identity is what others think of us. Rather, what we think others think of us. Unconsciously, we are all acting. We act different when we are online, at work or at home. We have created so many layers in our identity that most of us have lost who or what we are. We are living in a perception of a perception of ourselves and have completely lost ourself. No one today knows, what makes us happy. We are all chasing a distorted reflection of someone else’s dream.

We are not speaking our mind clearly, actually taking a step back we are not even thinking clearly. Speaking clearly would come after we are able to think clearly. No one is trying to live an authentic life. No one wants to disagree and take the pain of argument or risk of losing a relationship. So now we have added one more layer to our identity and there are so many of those that real self is lost.

I would suggest a small activity, take 5 minutes and think what or who you really are. What makes you happy and what do you value most in life and why.

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