What brings chaos, ignorance or knowledge?
IgnoranceIgnorance is a good thing, its actually a bliss. Babies are ignorant and they are the most happy creatures. They don’t evaluate on any parameters, …
the way out is in
IgnoranceIgnorance is a good thing, its actually a bliss. Babies are ignorant and they are the most happy creatures. They don’t evaluate on any parameters, …
“If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room” — Confucius We all have heard the above phrase. …
For much of my life I have considered that not showing my expressions is better as I did not want people to take advantage of …
Deep work, getting in zone are getting harder with so many distractions around. However, with competition in market skyrocketing and tens of things competing for …
This year has been tough for all of us. Everyone has been affected in one way or the other. Personally I was thinking to use …
Brain, mind, head or whatever you can call to the thing which sits at the top of your body. Following are my questions related to …
We all have been taught from childhood that think before you do anything. Think before you speak, think before you act!!! Think as hard as …
Social Media was initially created with good intentions. I don’t think that creators of social media websites could have ever imagined that we would end …
How does brain know whats truth or a lie when you hear something or read an article on a news website? The brain only knows …
Why do we love watching sports? I am a software engineer and have been taking rational and logical decisions my entire life. The reason being …