February 23, 2025

Rock on Motivation

Lets rock on Motivation. There is a very popular song in Bollywood: Rock on. This song has an amazing lyrics which motivated me to write on motivation.

Lets start from where we are today. A lot of us have a great skill “finding excuses”. I get it. I don’t want to hit the gym today, I’ll make up for it tomorrow. I want to hit that snooze button, my body still need more rest to be productive etc. All we lack is motivation.

Song lyrics goes something like this: Time is ticking and its telling us that clock is always running. You are just looking at the time and not using it. You are not going to get this time back. I believe these 2 lines are enough to get motivated. Life is a time bomb, it is going to run out of time and explode. Until then we need to make use of it. If we just keep procrastinating nothing would get done and would just keep finding excuses.

Tools for motivation – dont work

The so called tools for increasing motivation never work. A lot of people have tried it and only found it working for first few days. After a first few days we are back where we were or even behind due to this bad feeling of failure. Look we cannot make an in-efficient system working by adding more things or tools in it. We need to remove things from this system which do not work. We need to remove laziness, procrastination, fear of failure.

Things that work

Things that have proven to work is working on things which you love doing. You may be working on a job which does not motivates you and the things which interests you could be a side hustle. Its OK, everyone has to start from somewhere. Just make sure you choose the side hustles which are in your area of interest. If you also choose your side hustles just for making money, the system is not going to work.

At the end of the day if you do something which you love doing, you’ll be tired but satisfied, happy and your mind would be ignited in a good way. You would also get productive in your regular job as your mind knows once you are done with it, you’ll work on the interesting stuff.


Remember that life is short and you have limited time. This should itself keep you motivated in the things which you love doing.

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