February 23, 2025

A secret to build Confidence

How does brain know whats truth or a lie when you hear something or read an article on a news website? The brain only knows about information and then it pattern matches with the existing stored information. All our brain does with any new thought is to match with previous information and our experience and based on that decide whether its true or a lie.

Now what if you decide to do something like following a diet, exercise or meditation routine and the mind has no evidence of any success whatsoever. You have tried these things so many times that the subconscious mind knows you are going to fail. The stored information is so deep in the mind that it cannot be changed hence it would build an inertia towards your current attempt. With every failed attempt, this inertia is going to grow stronger.

So, whats the solution ?

As you have already guessed, this information in your head needs to be replaced from failure stories to success stories. You need to start acting and complete the things which you promise yourself. However, its not that simple. The simplicity is in promising small goals. Do not promise you would go gym regularly for next 3 months. Promise you would go gym 10 times. So your mind does not see it has a broken promise even when you only go like one day a week. After 10 weeks you would have still kept your promise and your mind would register this information of success. This is the only way to change this deep routed prior information of failures.

Do not over commit and keep it simple and small. Simple and small promises when kept, gives the mind the evidence that this person can actually do whats promised. Next time you decide to do something, the inertia would be a lot less. Mind works when there is momentum of success or inertia of failures. Keep this momentum going and you can gradually start increasing the intensity of your promises.

Once you keep doing this for long time, the confidence would be so high that you would never call it quit and there would be no self doubt. However, a lot of people would read this post but sadly very few would do anything about it. My commitment to you is to give best advise I possibly can and build this platform which is not driven for money. There are no ads or affiliate links in this blog which would tempt you to do exactly opposite of that I write. In return, I need a small commitment from you like:

  • Spend 5 minutes about the thing which you always wanted to do.
  • Instead of fantasizing about your dream, take a small step or make a small promise and please keep it. Examples:
    • Gym: Do 5 pushups in a day
    • Diet: Eat slightly less than your regular current diet like just leave the last 1-2 bites of that fast food.
    • Stop Addiction: Smoke half cigarette less or a little less scotch or whatever your poison is.
    • Business: Spend 5 mins thinking about whats your next step
  • Leave a comment below about whats that little thing which this article inspired to do.

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